When 3 Friends saw an Ad to win 10 Million Dollars in Paris | BoredApple

When 3 Friends saw an Ad to win 10 Million Dollars in Paris

watch, sprinted all the way down and looked up, but his watch wasn’t there, so he looked down and there was his watch, shattered into pieces of gears and parts. “Impossible,” he said to his friends.

The second Man thought that maybe he was too slow, so he went up, dropped his watch, then practically jumped Down the steps, and looked up, but it wasn’t there. He looked down, and the remains of his watch were right next to his friends’ watch. “Impossible,” he said to the third man.

But the third man tried anyway. He went up, dropped his watch, then took his time going down, taking 25 minutes to get down the steps. When he finally went down, he looked at the local clock and waited 5 minutes, then he looked up and caught his watch.

Everyone was shocked, and as the guard was counting up the money, he asked: “how did you do that?”

The man looked at him and replied: “my watch is 30 minutes late.”

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